
Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil Review

Hello friends,

Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  is a well known hair oil to all of us. It is homeo oil with nice ingredients. They claim Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  as a Homeopathic medicine. I have used Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  for around 3 months. I am writing my experience about Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  here.

Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  Review:

Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil Review:

M.R.P : Rs. 43 for Andra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala & Orissa

              Rs. 45 for the rest of India

Net contents : 100 ml


Arnica Mont
Pure coconut Oil


They say that Aswini Homeo Arnica Hair Oil  improves blood circulation to the hair roots thereby stops hairfall and promotes hair growth. They also claim that it controls dandruff, removes headache, induces good sleep and maintains natural color of the hair.

Contra indication : Nil

Direction for usage:

Massage directly on the scalp, for best results. Leave it overnight.

My View:

I want to start by mentioning the positive reviews shared by others to me.

There have been mixed reviews about Aswini Hair Oil. One of my friends has been using Aswini Hair oil for so many years. She has a good hair density. Also, she already has a lengthy hair. She was able to maintain the length and dense of the hair by using Aswini Hair Oil. This is the reason she says for continuous usage of Aswini Hair Oil. My cousin is also using Aswini Hair oil for so many years. She told that she had experienced significant hair fall in the initial days. After some days, she had visible hair growth. She is also able to maintain her hair nowadays without hair fall by using this oil.

These are the comments which led me to try Ashwini Hair Oil. But I didnt experience either hair fall or hair growth. I did not like the fragrance of this oil. It has a strong fragrance. My sister also started using this oil in the same time.She liked the fragrance. She was able to maintain her lengthy hair. She didn't have hair fall or hair growth.We both dropped using this oil since we didn't have any positive effect. We didn't want to continue to use a product which was not effective. 

I was not able to derive to which hair type this hair oil is effective. Since people with similar hair types have different experiences when I asked them.


Fragrance will be liked by some people

Not much expensive. 

Promotes hair growth for few people

Available at all stores 


Not working for everyone

Fragrance will be disliked by some people. Very strong fragrance.

Few will experience hair fall in the initial days.

What I would recommend about Ashwini Hair Oil is to buy a bottle and use it. Check whether it is working out for you. 

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  1. I hate bad fragrance. Definitely a turn off for me but thanks for such an honest review.. I am currently using Nature Secrets Hot Oil for Dry and Damaged Hair Wheat & Coconut and my hair is lot better now.. i got done rebonding sometime back and thanks to this oil, its way better now!

  2. Thanks Preety... You are also on the same page with me :-)

  3. my hair problem is solved but i am sufferring from cough and cold problem for this hair oil.
    how can i overcome this problem?
    please tell me. thank you.

    1. Hi Chanchal. Sorry for the late reply. If you have any side effects because of using any product, it is advisable to stop using that product and look for any alternate product. Try Parachute Ayurvedic Hair oil which worked well for my hair fall. Read my review of Parachute Ayurvedic hair oil here Check whether it helps you to control your hair fall without any side effects and let us know. Best wishes and keep visiting my blog!! Thank you..

  4. hi,my hari problem is very lost i like very long hari my hari is short plz tell me.thank you.

    1. Hi Maha, based on my experience, no single product can work for everyone. You can try the hair oils for few months one by one and stick to the one which gives you good results. Whatever hair oil you use, regular combing, oiling and hair wash are important. Even if you cannot long hair, you can try different hair cuts to make the short hair lok beautiful. I recommend layer cut for short and thin hair. It makes the hair more voluminous and very beautiful.

  5. Great post. Thanks for sharing such a useful post.

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