
Soft Idli recipe - How to make soft Idli | Easy South Indian Recipes

Hello friends,

I have already posted the recipe of making Idli Dosa Batter at home. It is time to post the soft idli recipe(how to make soft idli), an easy south indian recipe. People who just do not have time to spend more time for breakfast or dinner can choose to make soft idlis. Idli is a very healthy breakfast without any side effects. 

Soft Idli recipe - How to make soft Idli | Easy South Indian Recipes:

Soft Idli recipe - How to make soft Idli | Easy South Indian Recipes:


Idli Dosa Batter - As required

Water - 500 ml approx


1. Boil water(Add at least 1 inch) in the Idli Pot as shown in the picture.

2. Grease the Idli moulds with oil or place a white cloth on the Idli moulds.

3. Scoop out a ladle of Idli Dosa Batter and fill it in the Idli moulds as shown in the above picture.

4. Place the Idli moulds inside the Idli Pot and switch on the stove.

5. Cook it for 10 to 12 minutes in high flame.

6. Put the stove in simmer and check whether the Idli is cooked by inserting a fork or spoon in the middle. If it comes out clean, your spongy Idli is cooked.

7. Switch off the stove. It will be good if you wait for 5 more minutes before taking out the Idlis.

8. For taking the Idlis smoothly, take a cup of water. Dip a spoon(use a spoon similar to the one in the picture) in the water and use it to take out the idlis.

Now your soft and spongy Idli is ready for serving.

Side dishes you might like to have with Idli:

Hope you enjoyed my post of soft Idli recipe. Enjoy making soft Idli in few minutes.

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