
How To Get Glowing Skin Instantly

How To Get Glowing Skin Instantly?

It is quite common that we miss taking care of our skin sometimes due to several reasons. We might feel exhausted, hectic work schedule, travel, sleepless nights and so on. If we have cold, the situation will be very bad. Moreover, the rainy season has started and it makes us to afraid to open up the tap to have even a quick face wash. Whatever may be the reason, there may be times when we need to get glowing instantly. What do you do if you have a guest calling you and saying they are already on the way? Read more to know how to get glowing skin instantly.

How To Get Glowing Skin Instantly?

1. Refresh yourself:

Have a cup of coffee, tea or any of your favorite drink which has a potential to refresh you and make you energetic. Glucose or even water can make you get ready to start.

2. Cleansing:

Dip a cotton ball in rose water and wipe across your face and neck. Cleansing is the first step to get glowing skin. Cleansing will remove all the accumulated dirt from your skin. You can even use your face wash too to clean.

3. Nourishing:

Soak a clean towel in warm water and keep your face covered for 4 minutes. You can do this as many times you want. In the end, you will feel very much relaxed and all your stresses might have gone. At the same time, your skin would be nourished since this step opens your pores well. Take care not to hurt your skin with overheat.

4. Face Pack:

Do not worry if you have no branded face pack. Go and take enough gram flour to apply on face and neck. Add 2 tsp of milk and little lemon juice. Apply on your face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water. If you have any face pack like Banjaras face pack, use it if you want to save your time.

If you have banana or papaya at home, it is well and good. You can mash them and apply. In the worst case when you do not have the above in stock, take raw milk or yogurt and apply it on your face and neck. Wash after 15 minutes and you are done.

So, now you know the magic to get a dazzling look from dull look so soon right. Glowing skin is must to look good. If you have guests, photo shoot, functions or any parties, don't forget to follow the steps to look glowing.

Hope you enjoyed the post 'How To Get Glowing Skin Instantly'. Try it and leave in your valuable comments. Watch out for another post on home remedies for glowing skin in this space soon.

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  1. great post :)
    I am following you dear
    my receent one :

  2. Wow! These are very good skin caring tips. Thank you for sharing. My skin is dry and I love cleansing. Cleansing is very effective. We can also use antibacterial soap for skin care.

  3. Hello,

    Thanks of nice and informative words. This tips are really helpful to get glowing skin. Nice stuff keep it up. I also got some helpful stuff for those who are looking for fruit to make skin glow naturally.

    Thomson John
