
Fine Lines and Wrinkles - Causes, Prevention and Solutions

Fine lines and wrinkles are the most common reasons for women to run behind anti ageing creams. To stay young forever, it is very important to know the causes of fine lines and wrinkles and you should try to prevent them. Once they start appearing, you need to apply a good cream which can smoothen your fine lines and fade out the wrinkles. If you do not try to treat it, people can notice your make up settled down into the fine lines and stubborn wrinkles instead of your cute dimples.

What are fine lines and wrinkles ?

Fine lines are simply those lines on your face which are not deep. They usually present around your eyes, mouth, nose and forehead.

Wrinkles are deeper than fine lines but not as deep as deep furrows. They are not straight lines and can occur anywhere in your face especially under your eyes, around your mouth and in forehead.

Causes of Fine lines and wrinkles :

Collagen and elastin fibers provide the support structure for your skin. Collagen is responsible to strengthen the skin whereas elastin helps the skin to stretch and return to its original shape. Once they start breaking down, fine lines and wrinkles start appearing since the skin looses its elasticity and strength.

If you think that you are just in your early twenties and you are not prone to fine lines and wrinkles, you are wrong. They are not just related to aging process alone.

Exposure to the sun's harsh UV rays is the major cause of fine lines and wrinkles. Sun light can easily weaken your collagen fibers. They damage the skin cells and go deep into the layers damaging each layer.

Of course, natural aging process and heredity also play vital roles. As you get older, both collagen and elastin fibers start breaking down. Our body's ability of producing collagen is also lessened since its ability to hold in the moisture gets reduced as we get older.

Other factors include constant facial expressions, stress, poor nutrition and dehydration.

How to prevent fine lines and wrinkles ?

1. Since exposure to UV rays can cause fine lines and wrinkles, it is important to apply a good sunscreen with at-least SPF 15. Use broad spectrum sunscreen to ensure your protection against both UV-A and UV-B rays.

2. Soy and products containing retinol can help in reducing the visual effects of collagen loss.

3. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and cleansed.

4. Eat nutritious food. Carrots and pumpkins are good source of Vitamin A.

Top 5 Home Remedies for fine lines and wrinkles :

1. Olive oil :

Massage olive oil onto the affected area regularly. It will moisturize, repair and regenerate the skin cells.

2. Carrots:

Chop carrots into small pieces and grind them in a mixer to make a paste. Add little water if required. Apply it on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Since it has Vitamin A, it will help for production of collagen.

3. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera improves the elasticity of the skin. Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel and allow it to dry. Wash off with water and pat your skin dry.

4. Green Grapes:

Mash a handful of green grapes and apply on the affected area using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry. Wash off and pat your skin dry.

5. Lemon Juice:

Apply lemon juice on the affected area and allow it to dry before washing off.

Top 3 Recommended products for treating fine lines and wrinkles:

1. Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream:

This product helps to treat both fine lines and wrinkles. It has accelerated Retinol SA which also helps to prevent them from appearing more. It is also a good moisturizer. It is clinically proven to smoothen fine lines and overall texture of skin. It is value for money since it helps to see visible results in just few days.

Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream (14 ml)

2. Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-ageing Cream:

This cream is bit costly but the cream lasts for a long time. It fights against 7 signs of ageing including fine lines and wrinkles. It provides best result when used with Olay Total Effects face cleanser.

3. Ponds Age Miracle Deep Action Night Cream:

This night cream is designed to accelerate the renewal process at night when cells regeneration potential is at its peak. It improves the elasticity of skin and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also prevents them from appearing more.

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