
Easy Cheesy Pasta Recipe - How To Make Creamy Cheese Pasta

Easy Cheesy Pasta Recipe - How To Make Creamy Cheese Pasta:

Creamy Cheesy Pasta is very easy to make in no time. So, bachelors and working women can bookmark this recipe to prepare it whenever they don't have time to make breakfast or dinner. Since it is homemade mac and cheese, it is definitely healthier than the store bought one. Also, cheese is good for kids. So, this recipe is good for kids too.


I have used macroni and cheese to make cheesy pasta. You can use any kind of pasta and follow the below cheesy pasta recipe. The result will be same. Pasta lovers will love this recipe very much. If you love both cheese and pasta, there is no doubt that this recipe will be your favorite easy cheesy pasta recipe.

Cheese Pasta 

Sadly, my hubby does not like Pasta much. He will have very little quantity to just taste. But he does not prefer to have it as main course. My kid resisted initially to have it. But he started liking it gradually. No need to say, I love it so much, that too with tomato sauce. It was yummy!! Creamy cheese pasta and tomato sauce is a super yummy combination. 

Easy Cheesy Pasta Recipe - How To Make Creamy Cheese Pasta

Prep Time: 2 mins    |    Cook Time: 8 mins    |    Serves: 2
Recipe Category : Breakfast recipes


  • Pasta - 1 cup(I used Macaroni)
  • Milk - 1 cup
  • Cheese - 1 tbsp
  • Pepper powder - 1 tsp
  • Water - To boil Pasta
  • Coriander leaves or Basil leaves - To garnish


1. Boil pasta in sufficient water with 1/2 tsp oil and required salt. Or just add water so that the macaroni is completely immersed in the water. Boil it till the pasta is cooked but the pasta should not start breaking or mushy. It took 8 minutes for me in low flame. Stir now and then to avoid pasta sticking to the pan. Drain the water and run it through cold water. Keep it aside. You can follow the pasta and water ratio and the time to boil as per the instructions given in the wrapper by the brand. 

cheespasta ingredients 
2. Add the cooked pasta, milk, cheese and pepper powder in a pan and heat it on the stove.  Mix them well till the pasta is well coated with cheese and becomes creamy. Switch off the stove.

cheespasta ingredients_2 

Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with tomato sauce.
Cheese Macaroni

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