
Kothamalli Chutney | Kothamalli Thogayal Recipe | Coriander Chutney with coconut

Kothamalli Chutney | Kothamalli Thogayal Recipe | Coriander Chutney with coconut:

Kothamalli chutney is a tasty, different and easy chutney for idli and dosa. There are so many ways we can prepare coriander chutney. I have made this kothamalli chutney with coconut, dry chillies and tomato. Hence I would like to name it as Red Coriander chutney with coconut:) I can give you a guarantee that it is a different and quite easy chutney recipe.

My kid has started talking very well and nowadays he is asking us to take him to different places. He is demanding more and asking us to take to hotel too :) There is a hotel called Krishna Bhavan near my house. It is a veg hotel and it is a very good place to idli, dosa and other light food items. We always include dosa in our order as my son likes to have dosa with sambar. They prepare different chutney items and hence the chutneys make me to try in the next day itself. So, this time I am going to share with you all the kothamalli chutnry - red coriander chutney with coconut which I recently had there.

coriander chutney

I have already posted plain coriander chutney(kothamalli thogayal in Tamil). It is a chutney which tastes great with curd rice. But I prefer this kothamalli chutney with coconut for idli and dosa. Till now, I have posted 12 easy and quick chutney recipes you can have with idli, dosa and rice. You can check by clicking on the above link. I have also posted how to prepare idli dosa batter(dosai maavu) to get hotel like crispy dosas.

Now let us see how to make kothamalli chutney here.

Kothamalli chutney recipe


Kothamalli Chutney Recipe - Coriander Chutney- Easy chutney recipes

Prep Time: 3 mins    |  Cook time: 5  Mins    |  Serves: 2
Recipe Category : Chutney recipes


  • Big Onion - 1 finely chopped
  • Red chillies- 2(broken)
  • Tomato - 1 finely chopped
  • Coriander leaves(kothamalli) - palmful
  • Coconut - 3 tbsp - palmful
  • Tamarind - a peanut size
  • Water - to grind
  • Salt - to taste

  • To Temper

  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • Urad dal- 1/4 tsp
  • Hing- A pinch
  • Curry leaves- few
  • Oil - 1 tsp


Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan, add chopped onions and dry red chillies(broken). Saute till the onions turn translucent. Add chopped tomato and saute till it turns mushy. Add coriander leaves and saute till it shrinks. Add coconut and saute till the raw smell of coconut goes off.

Transfer the fried ingredients to a mixie, add required salt and a small peanut size tamarind to it. Add required water and grind till you get the chutney consistency. Transfer the ground chutney to a serving bowl.

Heat 1 tsp oil in the same pan, add mustard seeds and saute till it splutter. Add urad dal, hing and curry leaves. Saute till the urad dal turn golden brown color. Add the tempered items to the coriander chutney and mix well.

Serve with idli, dosa or curd rice. Add sesame oil when you have with idli or dosa to get a great taste and flavor.


Hope you like the kothamalli chutney recipe. Stay tuned for many more chutney recipes.

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