
Omam Water - Oma Water - Ajwain Water

Omam Water - Oma Water - Ajwain Water


Omam is a tamil word for Carom seeds/Bishops weed. It is called ajwain seeds in Hindi. Oma water/Ajwain water has lot of health benefits and it is widely used both for cooking and treating digestion problems mainly.

I usually do not store oma water(ajwain water) since I always prefer to prepare it instantly. But, I always have omam in stock. I keep it in air tight container. I use it to prepare health tonic at home for kids.

Oma water can give instant relief to indigestion problems. If you are going to give it to kids, they might resist to drink. You can add little sugar or give it more diluted in that case.

Whenever I posted a home remedy, I used to think about posting oma water as soon as possbile. But it was getting delayed somehow and I am happy that I am ready with the post.

Omam in  different languages:

English - Carom seeds
Hindi - Ajwain
Tamil - Omam
Bengali - Jowan/Joyan
Gujarati - Ajmo
Kannada - Ajamoda/Oma
Malayalam - Ayamodagam
Telugu - Omamu, Vamu, Vayu


Omam - 2.5 tsp
Water - 100 ml


1. Grind the omam/ajwain seeds in a mixer with little water.

2. Add the ground omam to the water and boil it till the water quantity gets reduced to half of the original quantity. By this time, the color has been changed to brown color. Strain the liquid using a filter and the oma water is now ready. Press the omam collected in the filter to collect the oma water completely.


Dosage: 1 tbsp for adults and 1 tsp for kids. As I said, you can mix sugar or add little more water while giving it to kids. Do not give over doses. Adults can have twice a day.

Where can you buy Omam/Ajwain seeds?

Omam is now widely available in all grocery stores and super markets.

Ajwain Water Benefits - Oma Water Uses:

1. Oma water is helpful in treating indigestion problem.
2. Cleanse the urinary bladder.
3. Treats flatulence.
4. Reduces cough since it relieves the congestion due to formation of phlegm.
5. Treats ear pain which is caused by congestion.
6. Treats acidity problems.
7. Gives relief to migraines.
8. Alleviates pain and inflammation due to rheumatic and arthritic diseases.
9. Treats problems arising due to overeating.

Benefits of preparing oma water at home:

1. You can ensure that the oma water is hygienic.
2. We are not adding any preservatives. Hence it is safe for both kids and adults.

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  1. May I know exactly how much quantity should I giv to my kid she is 2 yrs old.. is it has any side effects...

  2. Give 1/2 tsp oma water initially in the morning and check whether there is any negative reaction. You can increase it to 3/4 tsp and then 1 tsp if there is no problem. You can crush very little omam seeds and boil it with water. Give only diluted and filtered.

  3. thank you so much for the useful information.
