
Itchy Eyes Home Remedies - Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes

Itchy Eyes Home Remedies - Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes:

Home Remedies for itchy and irritated eyes shared here are easy and very effective in treating the eye problems like itching and irritating. Even swollen, tearing, painful, red and burning eyes can be treated by following these simple home remedies.

Eyes are beautiful and precious. They can speak thousands of words silently and express your feelings apparently. Instead of using chemical drops, protect your eyes with simple and easy home remedies in case of minor irritations and itchiness.

Common Causes for irritating, Red, Swollen, Burning and itchy eyes:

There could be several factors which causes eye irritation and itchiness. But the top 5 common causes are listed below.

1. Stress given to eyes due to excessive reading books, watching tv, seeing monitors of computers and mobiles for prolonged hours, and so on.
2. Common cold and fever can cause irritating and itchy eyes.
3. Mild Allergy and pollution
4. Lack of sleep
5. Overall tiredness

If the severity is high and if you think that there could be any severe medical reason behind the itchiness, please consult a doctor.

Top 5 Itchy Eyes Home Remedies - Home Remedies for Irritated Eyes:

1. Cold Milk:
  • Soak a cotton ball in cold milk. Close the eyes and gently massage the eyes with the cotton ball. 
  • Take 2 cotton balls and soak them in cold water. Close your eyes and place the cotton balls on the eyes. Keep it for 10 minutes. Wash the eyes with cold water.
2. Potato for eyes:

Take 2 thin potato slices to place it on your eyes. Use cold potato kept in refrigerator. Close the eyes and keep the potato slices on the eyes. Keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse the eyes.

3. Cucumber:

Take 2 cucumber slices. Use cold cucumber just taken from refrigerator. Close the eyes and keep the cucumber slices on eyes. Keep them on for 10 minutes. Rinse the eyes with cold water.

4. Cold Water:

Soak the cotton balls in cold water. Close the eyes and keep the cotton balls on your eyes. Leave it for 10 minutes. You can also use hand kerchief instead of cotton balls.

5. Tea Bags:

Take 2 bags and moisten them in cold water. Place them on closed eyes. Leave it for at least 10 minutes. Either black or green tea bags can be used.

Now, you should feel a good cooling and soothing effect definitely and instantly. Try these home remedies for itchy eyes frequently till your eyes feel good and healthy. 

I have tried all these home remedies personally and they give instant relief. Cold milk, potato slices and cucumber works very well.

If the problem is major and continue for more days, consult a doctor immediately.

Don'ts during eye irritation:

When you have irrtating and itchy eyes, avoid the following things.

1. Do not rub your eyes unnecessarily. It is the main reason for worsening the condition.
2. Do not apply anything hot on the eyes. 
3. Do not allow your eyes to get dry up. Clean your eyes with cold water frequently.
4. Avoid going to highly polluted environment. 
5. Avoid going outside during daytime. Wear sunglasses if you want to go.
6. Do not apply eyeliner or any other eye make up for sometime till you feel better in case of major irritations. 

Except tea bags and cucumber home remedies, all others are almost available all the time at our home. So, why do you need to bear the pain because of itchy eyes. Just try any of the home remedies and comfort yourself. 

Even if you do not have any eye problems, you can follow these home remedies at least once or twice in a week to keep your eyes fresh and clean. These are common home remedies that can be used to make your eyes cool. 

There are lot of home remedies available in this website. Check out in the menu bar or side bar to find more effective home remedies.

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