
Ice cubes for Face

Benefits of Ice cubes for Face:

Ice cubes are good for face. Most of you must have heard about it. That's why you are curious to read more about it. Am I right? My sister has tried applying ice cubes on face for 20 days continuously. She told that the result was awesome. So, I also tried the ice cubes facial:) The result is a clean, smooth and glowing face. What else do you want? Still I have not touch 30, so I am not able to judge whether it reduces shrinks and slows down aging process. But I have heard that ice cubes reduces wrinkles from beauticians.

But I am sure most of you must not be aware the fact that ice cubes should not be applied directly on your face. Are you wondering what to do? Let us see how to use ice cubes for face and the benefits of ice cubes for face.

How to Use Ice cubes for face?

1. Wash you face and allow it to dry. Make sure that there is no make up on your face.
2. Take an ice cube and wrap it with a soft cloth, preferably plain white cotton cloth. 
3. Gently massage the wrapped ice cube on your face and you can keep it on till the ice cube melts.


* I use a plain white cotton hand kerchief to wrap the ice cubes. 
* Do not use colored clothes which release the dye and color. The colors might affect your skin easily.

Benefits of Ice cubes for face and skin:

1. Ice cubes for curing open pores on face:

Open pores attracts dust and bacteria easily. Therefore you will end up in getting more skin problems. Your face will not look smooth and it will not be even. It will also look pale. 

Applying ice cubes daily can minimize the number of open pores. Wrap the ice cubes in a soft cloth and gently massage on the face. Make sure you wash the face before applying. Do this for 2 times daily. You can see the difference in few days.

2. Ice cubes for Skin tightening:

Ice cubes help in skin tightening and hence they help in slowing down the aging process. It also prevents wrinkles. So ice cubes facial help you to stay young and glowing.

3. Ice cubes for fair skin:

Ice cubes can help to improve your complexion. It is obvious that the people who are living in cold regions are fairer. Go for ice cubes facial every day and you can see the results sooner. It also helps to reduce sun burns and remove sun tans. Hence, it can uplift your complexion. Instead of plain water ice cubes, you can try papaya extract, milk and rose water ice cubes for improved results.

4. Ice cubes for sun tan removal:

Once you come back home after roaming in the hot sun, take an ice cube facial after washing your face. This is one of the effective and easy home remedies for sun tan removal.

5. Ice cubes help for instant makeover:

Ice cubes can instantly make your skin glowing. They have the power to quickly uplift your look. Go and do ice cubes facial and see the results immediately. Your face will be glowing for sure.


1. Do not apply ice cubes directly on face as I have said.
2. If you feel redness or any allergy after using ice cubes, stop using them. It is a rare condition.
3. One ice cube is enough at a time. Use till it is melted.
4. Do not massage roughly. Apply gently.
5. Try lemon, orange, papaya extracts, milk and rose water to make ice cubes instead of plain water. You can get the goodness of them also.
6. Use mineral water or pure water instead of normal tap water. Tap water might not be pure always.
7. Make sure that you have no physical illness like fever, cold and cough. Avoid ice cubes when you are sick.

Ice cubes facial and smiling are good for your face. Keep smiling and stay beautiful:)

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