
How To Make Ghee From Milk At Home | Desi Ghee | Clarified Butter | Homemade Ghee Recipe

Homemade Ghee can be made from milk, cream, butter and curd. The quantity of the homemade ghee is low when compared to the cream you use. So, I suggest you to collect at least 1 cup of cream before you make the ghee.

Ghee Recipe 

I make ghee once in a week or twice a month nowadays. I use it for daily consumption especially for my kid. I use homemade ghee to add it to the rice. I also keep a bottle of store bought ghee to use while making sweets at home which require more amount of ghee. I strongly believe that homemade ghee is definitely better than the store bought one. So, I make sure that I add homemade ghee for my kid as far as I can. Elder people advise that vegetarians(especially kids) should consume more ghee.

You might feel the making process of ghee as a difficult one initially at least when you make it for the first time. But I swear that you will find it as easy after you try once or twice. Just you need one time practice.

To make ghee from milk, you need a good amount of cream from the milk. When I was using milk packets with 3% fat, I found that the cream is not enough to make ghee and it takes very long time to collect even half cup. When I start buying cow's milk directly from milk vendor here, I am able to collect good amount of cream daily.

Here I am going to show you how to make ghee from scratch at your home from milk.

Step 1 - Collect Cream from Milk - How to Make Cream from Milk At Home: 

Boil milk. Allow it cool down. The cream/malai will be floating on the top.

How to make ghee from milk

Filter it and keep it in a stainless steel container(with lid). Keep it in refrigerator. Collect this for at least one weak to 10 days to get good amount of ghee in the last step. You can collect the cream in the same container. So, choose appropriate size.



1. Refrigerate it for 1 hour to get thick cream collected on the top of milk.
2. Filter the cream before you add to the container. Do not add milk in the container.

Step 2 - Make Butter From Cream(collected from milk) - How to Make Butter from Cream(or Milk):

Use the cream collected from milk(or store bought cream) to make butter. You can either use a mixie, food processor or you can do it manually without any machine. I am planning to make a separate post on how to make butter from cream(or milk) soon.

How to make butter from cream using food processor or mixer:

You need a churning blade to do it. Just transfer the cream into the mixer jar. Add a cup of water. Process it till you see the butter collected separately from whey(milky water). Collect the butter in another clean container. Cleaning the mixer jar is a long and irritating process so I prepare manually as explained below.

How to make butter from cream manually without food processor and mixer:

Take the cream in a wide container. Add a cup of water to it. Whisk it using a whisk(wire whip or maththu) which we use it to beat the curd.


Beat the cream continuously. The top will become frothy in sometime. You can soon see the butter getting separated from the whey water.


The water will become clear in sometime. Till that you have to beat it. Once the water becomes clear, drain the water and collect the butter.


Wash the butter 3 times to get all the whey water separated from butter. Now our Homemade Butter is ready which is made from cream collected from milk.

Homemade Butter

Step 3 - Homemade Ghee Recipe - How to make Ghee from Butter:

You can use either homemade butter or store bought butter to make ghee. at home If you want to make ghee from scratch, use homemade butter made from cream collected directly from milk.

Keep 2 to 4 curry leaves(or drumstick leaves) dipped in buttermilk and keep it ready. It helps to give nice aroma to the ghee. Have a pinch of rock salt also. This will help the residue(milk solids) to settle down completely once the ghee is ready.


Heat a heavy bottomed vessel like iron kadai. Transfer the butter and heat it in low-medium flame. Butter will start melting. Bubbles will form soon and you can hear bubbling sound. You can see the butter becomes frothy.


After few minutes, you can see clear ghee on top and milk solids in the bottom. There will be little foam also.


The ghee will become slightly golden brown in color and the milk solids will stick to the pan and looks brownish.


Add the rock salt and curry leaves and switch off the stove. Now Homemade Ghee is ready.


Once the ghee cools down, filter it and collect in a stainless steel or glass container in which you want to store the ghee. I recommend using stainless steel filter to filter the ghee.

Homemade Ghee

The ghee will be in liquid form when we make it. It will become semi solid after sometime as shown in the picture.


1. While making ghee, stir only if the ghee starts burning. Do not keep stirring unnecessarily.
2. Fresh ghee might have slight smell of milk solids(like milk powder). After a week, it goes off completely.

How to make ghee from milk


1. I have tried one more way also. I have added some cream from thick curd to the cream collected just before the day I made ghee. I kept it outside overnight. I did this to culture it to look out for any difference. The ghee is little sour but I did not feel much difference in the taste of the ghee.

2. Some people will discard the white foam formed and collect only clear liquid. I am not very sure why it is done.

3. Add some hing and salt to the whey water(also called butter milk) which is separated from butter in butter making process. You can consume it.

4. The milk solids in the bottom of the pan which are collected in the ghee making process can be consumed directly or you can eat with rice or dosa.

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  1. Perfect way of preparation. Butter and Ghee should be prepared at home and that is actually healthy one. Thank u so much for the share.

  2. @Senthil, Thank you !!! Never expected your comment here... Thank you so much!!!

  3. Superb Writing and Sharing. Now alone man also can make a Ghee from this article.

    Swapnil Kharche

  4. Hi Great Post. The above organic ghee really inspired me. My opinion organic products are trustable when compare to conventional products. Here on wards I'm also planning to buy organic Ghee. Thanks for taking time to share such a helpful information. Keep blogging.

    Sathish from Organic Ghee Online

  5. Must try this healthy ghee at home for my kids. Thanks for sharing the info. But it takes up a lot of time.
    Personal Care Products Online

  6. Tis post is said to be a good one iam having a doubt how long tis will be good product with out any spoilage

  7. How do u clean the strainer after finishing?

    1. That is one of the tough tasks involved:) Soak the strainer for sometime. If you use stainless steel one, you can keep in warm water for sometime.

  8. Superb and thanks for posting
