
Home Remedies index

Let us not forget the effective home remedies which our ancestors were using to cure various problems. They believed in nature and hence chemicals were not be able to harm their bodies. Even though we cannot completely avoid chemicals in our generation, let us try to utilize the wonderful natural remedies which God has given us to prevent and protect our wellness. Taking chemicals both internally and externally would be harmful to our wellness in long term. Here I have given the list of home remedies which I found to be effective and worked for me. Most of the remedies are commonly used and people find it effective. You can use the articles as reference and hope it will be useful for you.

This page helps you to browse through the available home remedies.

To read the full post, click on the topics.

1) Natural Beauty & Skin Care:

2) Home Remedies for Cough, Cold and Congestion:

3) Home remedies for gas problem

4) Home remedies for chapped, cracked and dry lips

5) Homemade Health Tonic for kids

6) Amla in Honey Recipe with Health Benefits

7) Top 5 natural sugar substitutes

8) Home Remedy for exfoliating your lips

9) Home Remedies for Fever

Nilavembu Kashayam

Skin Infections:

Ringworm Series: 

What causes Ringworm

Fitness & Diet:

GM Diet - A complete Guide
Success story of my GM diet
GM 7 days diet chart
Cabbage Soup diet
Book Review - Body Goddess - A complete guide on Yoga for women

Health and Beauty Benefits By Ingredients:

  • Nutmeg
  • Haritaki - Kadukkai
  • Flax Seeds
  • Edible Camphor
  • Vallarai Keerai(Brahmi Leaves)
  • Canola Oil
  • Vasambu
  • Alum
  • Lemon juice
  • Amla Powder
  • Sabja Seeds
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Amla With Honey
  • Natural Sweeteners
  • Methi Seeds | Vendhayam
  • Gokshura | Nerunjil Mull
  • Akhrot | Walnuts
  • Gokshura Powder

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