
Know about Lakme School Of Style - India's first Fashion Video Magazine

With wide array of beauty products, Lakme is one of the pioneers in the beauty industry. Lakme has just #LakmeSchoolOfStyle, India's first fashion video magazine. The editor-in-chief of Lakme School Of Style is Karan Johar. The channel is India's largest youth and fashion revolution.

There is a lot of useful videos available in #LakmeSchoolOfStyle. Here I have picked two of my favorites to write about. Don't stop just with these videos. Check out their youtube channel and subscribe to keep you updated.

Video #1 - Pamper Your Lips With Lakme Lip Love:

The video is about Lakme Lip Love, the Lakme's newest offering. This video is from the model and blogger Maia Sethna. She tells us how to pamper our lips with simple yet effective Lakme Lip care routine. She gives some simple tips to get our lips soft and smooth. Women say yes to manicure, pedicure and facial while getting ready for any special occasion but often neglect their lips.

As we follow a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizer for our skin, our lips also deserve a simple routine. She tells us to massage our lips with the mixture of honey and sugar followed by moisturization with Lakme Lip Love. We can keep the lips moisturized and protected by this tip and Lakme Lip Love. The product has a hint of tint and SPF 15 as well.

Video #2 - 5 Must-Have Bags For A Fashion Girl:

This video is from Sanjana Banaik, a Lakme School of Style vlogger. She talks about 5 must-have bags for a fashion girl. They are nothing but tote bags, clutches, cross-body bags, structured bags and holdall bags. She explains clearly what each kind of bag means and their usage. She insists on style, functionality and comfort while choosing any bag.  I am sure that this video will help every woman to choose the right bags.

Note: This post is a part of the #LakmeSchoolOfStyle activity at is association with #Fame

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