
Things to consider before having a hair transplant surgery

Guest post from 24 Hair Transplant(Medispa):

Hair transplant surgery is a briskly pacing trend among the Indian population. It is the leading hair restoration process that has ever been introduced in the medical field so far. It’s a medical boon for People with alopecia and complete baldness. This is a very simple yet invasive procedure. During the process the surgeon moves individual hair follicles from a different part of the body and implants it on the bald part. The part from where the follicle is taken is known as the ‘donor site’ and the latter is known as the ‘recipient site’. This not a very intricate procedure, however, it has some risk factors involved which need to be considered before undergoing the surgery.

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Therefore, below are a few points that one must consider before undergoing a hair transplant surgery:

1. Skin and Hair type:

Basically Asian hair and skin type needs special attention during a hair transplant surgery as there is always a risk of hypertrophic eruptions and darkening of the skin of the scalp. Thus an Asian needs a very experienced surgeon. A thorough research is very much mandatory.

2. Risk and Complications:

Hair transplant surgery has a number of risks and complications involved. During the procedure, dissolve suture can cause an adverse reaction in various patients, which generally makes the healing process difficult, which needs further medical procedures. Like this, many other complications are associated with the procedure. Consider all these factors before going ahead with your decision.

3. Choosing the best doctor:

Selecting the suitable doctor for your operation can be a treacherous task. One needs a lot of research and analysis before choosing the right person for accomplishing this complicated operation. An experienced surgeon, who has worked with people of different ethnicity, is always the best option. A versatile doctor, who knows all the aspects of the pre and post operative happenings, should be the priority of the patient. Keep all your options in front of you and then decide.

To guide you through the process, we have provided you one of the best hair clinics in India, that is, The MediSpa clinic run by Dr. Suneet Soni.


Dr. Suneet Soni is the Director and Chief Consultant at the MediSpa Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Center. He is associated with various prestigious medical institutions including the MG medical college and hospital Jaipur, Fortis Escorts Hospital Jaipur, Bhagwaan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital Jaipur and S.K Hospital Jaipur. He has years of experience and has performed over 2000 hair transplant surgeries. His vision has the following approaches-

1. Counseling
2. Assessing
3. Planning
4. Operating
5. Managing aesthetic surgery

Apart from being analogous with such estimable medical institutes, Mr. Soni is a member of many reputable international societies. The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Indian Medical association, Associations of plastic surgeons of India and Association of hair transplant and restoration surgeons of India are some of them.

Guest Bio:

24 Hair Transplant(Medispa) and Dr. Suneet Soni are now nationally and internationally recognized names in Hair Transplant providing consistent world class results with top class specialties.

Note: This is a sponsored post. All the thoughts and opinions are always own.

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  1. Imformative post. It will be helpful for people you are plannung to go for hair transplant.

  2. Nice post. It really useful for me. It well informative for other also. I would like to take hair transplant and it definitely help me. I choose best hair transplant in Dubai as per this information. Thanks.

  3. interessent article and you can check more about hair transplant pre-treatment here
