
White Sauce Pasta Recipe - How to make White Sauce for Pasta

White Sauce Pasta Recipe - How to make White Sauce for Pasta:

White Sauce pasta Recipe is quite easy. Once the white sauce is ready, all you need to do is just adding cooked pasta in white sauce and cook for some more time. My hubby does not love to have Pasta as main course. My kid eats white sauce pasta a little but not much. It is only me who likes Pasta at home. So, making pasta is very rare at my home. I also prepare this white sauce pasta as evening snacks. If your kid loves pasta, you are lucky as you can prepare white sauce pasta very quickly to serve as evening snacks once your kid returns from school.

Easy White Sauce for Pasta

After a lot of research about making white sauce pasta, I understood that butter, milk, flour and cheese along with some herbs make a tasty white sauce pasta. The white sauce pasta recipe which I have given here is very simple and I did not add any vegetables except onion. I made it on a lazy Sunday morning. But I will make this homemade white pasta sauce again and cook pasta along with few vegetables. Hope that will be more tasty than the plain pasta in white sauce.

White Sauce for pasta 

Dried basil and Oregano are the best herbs to get a flavorful white sauce pasta. You can just add the herbs mix which you get from Pizza shops. Carrot, capsicum, sweet corn are the best vegetables to add. You can add garlic paste too if you like garlic flavor.

White Sauce Pasta Recipe - Ingredients: 

Big onion - 1 finely chopped
Oil - 3 tsp(olive oil is preferred)
Red chilli flakes - To taste
Pasta - 1 cup
Water - To cook pasta

To Make White Sauce for Pasta:

Cheese - 1 tbsp
Plain flour/Maida - 2 tbsp(or corn flour or mixture of corn and plain flours)
Milk - 1 cup
Butter - 1 tbsp
Dry herbs mix (Oregano, dried basil or any dry herbs) - 1 tsp
Salt - To taste
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp

White Sauce Pasta Recipe -  Instructions:

Now Let us learn how to make white sauce pasta.

Homemade white pasta sauce

1. Heat a pan. Add water, salt and 1 tsp of oil and pasta. Cook them well but they should not get broken. Most of the pasta packets have the cooking instruction with timings. Cook accordingly. Drain the pasta and rinse them in water till they become cool. Add 1 tsp of oil again and mix them without breaking them. This is to ensure that they do not become sticky. Olive oil is preferred.

White sauce for Pasta recipe1

2. Take a mixing bowl, add maida(all purpose flour), milk, butter, cheese, red chilli flakes, dry herbs(oregano, basil or any dry herbs), salt and black pepper powder(coarse or fine powder). Mix well till there are no lumps. This is the white sauce mixture.

White sauce for Pasta recipe step2

3. Heat 1 tsp of oil and add chopped big onion slices. Saute till they turn translucent. Add the white sauce mixture we have prepared. Cook in low flame till the raw smell of flour goes off. Stir frequently.

White sauce for Pasta recipe3

4. The mixture will start thickening. Be careful at this stage. Add the cooked pasta quickly and mix well at least for 2 minutes or till the pasta is coated with the white sauce well. Switch off the stove.

White sauce for Pasta recipe4

White sauce pasta is ready to serve. Serve hot as the pasta cooked in white sauce will become dry soon.

White sauce Pasta

Hope you liked the white sauce pasta recipe. Try it out and let me know how it comes.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey its my favourite!! I like to add red chilli flakes to this for a spicy flavour.
